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Close Range Combat Wing Chun Vol.2

Référence: RSB-308
Note :
By Randy Williams

Wing Chun Kung Fu is a dynamic Chinese street combat style characterized by short, sharp strikes delivered down the Centerline with machine gun like rapidity, and is known for its principles of simultaneous attack and defense, hand trapping, and economy of motion.
It is a relatively new system, developed in China less than 400 years ago and honed in rooftop fights of 1950's Hong Kong.
Many legendary fighters emerged from those times, each of them adding his own "flavor" to the way the art was taught, and how it has evolved over the years.

Randy Williams is a longtime writer for Inside Kung-Fu magazine, celebrity bodyguard and founder of the CRCA International Wing Chun Association.
In this new series, he brings you a step-by-step introduction to his own modern-day interpretation of this explosive art of close-range combat.
Williams is known for his nontraditional, American sports-like approach to the art, on which more emphasis is placed on performance and understanding over lineage and history.
Hard training and practical self-defense application are the hallmarks of Randy's Close Range Combat Academy schools worldwide.

Volume 2 features detailed move-by-move CRCA street combat techniques - defenses against jabs, crosses, hooks and backfists are covered as well as attacks, kick defenses and groundfighting, Explanations of advanced Wing Chun combat theory such as Timing, Trapping, Facing, the Concept of Reference, Body Unity and the "Cutting Angle" of CRCA blocking are given, as well as an in-depth study of the Centerline Theory - the backbone of the Wing Chun system.
Also featured are advanced "Stricky Hands" principles, and an introduction to "Sticky Foot" kicking and leg blocking exercises.

Publisher: Warrener Entertainment
Author: Randy Williams
Format: 18 X 25 cm
Weight: 700g
Language: English
324 pages
ISBN: 9780865681828

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