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Bruce Lee The Myth - The Man - Testimonies from his first Seattle Students

Buch - Französische Version
Artikelnummer: VPM-GF-3FR
18,68 €
exkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versand
By Sibok François Arambel
Certified by James DeMile, one of Bruce Lee's first students

There are three beings in all of us: Who we are in the eyes of others, or their interpretation of ourselves. Who we project onto others, our façade. And finally who we truely are, our real Self.

Bruce Lee was real, we know the myth, who was the man?
Bruce Lee's Seattle students didn't know him as a myth but as the teenager full of energy who became their friend.
This book is to honor their unique experience.

Publisher: VP-Masberg
Author: Francois Arambel
Format: 16.5 X 23,5 cm
Weight: 300g
Language: English
92 pages
ISBN: 9783943593631


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