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2 DVD Box Hayastan Grappling

Artikelnummer: JAKE-12769DL
14,99 €
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By Gokor Chivichyan

The Hayastan Grappling System combines elements of Judo, Sambo, JuJitsu, and Greco Roman and Freestyle Wrestling.
The system includes all forms of submissions, including leglocks, heel hooks, footlocks, kneebars, shoulder locks, wrist locks, neck cranks, body cranks, and chokes.
Filmed at the 2007 Paradise Warrior Retreat, founder and expert trainer Gokor Chivichyan teaches a wide variety of submissions rarely seen elsewhere.

-Hip movement training drills
-Butterfly guard knee compression
-Straight ankle lock counter
-Straight ankle lock
-Rolling toehold from half guard
-Guillotine transition to neck crank (Manny Gamburyan)
-Single leg takedown counter to armbar
-Single leg takedown counter to americana
-Toehold from half guard on bottom
-Drop seoi nage to inverted heel hook (Karren Darabedyan)
-Kata guruma to inverted heel hook (Karren Darabedyan)
-Guard recovery from side control
-Guard recovery from turtle position
-Armbar from guard when opponent stands up
-Shoulder lock/Toehold variation
-Pendulum Sweep to mount
-Hip bump sweep & armbar from guard
-Secret to finishing the kimura
-Countering opponents guard recovery with an inverted heel hook
-Endless variations

-Gokor Teaching at Hayastan Academy
-Gene LeBell Interview

About Gokor Chivichyan:
Born in Armenia , Gokor has trained in the grappling arts since the age of 5.
He is ranked 9th dan in Judo, 6th dan in Sambo, and 6th dan in Jujitsu. Having emigrated to the US in 1981, Gokor has been training world class Judoka and MMA fighters at the Hayastan MMA Academy with Gene LeBell since 1991.

Language: English
Running Time: 118 Minutes


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