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Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu - Science of the Closed Guard

Artikelnummer: JAKE-02476DL
17,99 €
inkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versand

By Dan Lukehart

Dan “Trumpet Dan” Lukehart is the owner and head instructor at Brea Jiu-Jitsu. Dan has been training Jiu-Jitsu since January of 2006 and is a two stripe brown belt under world IBJJF no gi champion Bruno Paulista.
His passion for teaching and command of the English language makes for logical and thoughtful presentations of each technique.

He has a very active teaching style and constantly provides individual feedback for each student.
Dan is constantly pushing the boundaries of the status quo to incorporate new teaching methodologies into each class.

1. Introduction and Overview
2. Hip Bump Sweep from Arm Drag
3. Fast Sweep to Mount from Arm drag Position
4. Insulating the Grip Strip While Dealing with Posture
5. Thumb in Grip to Overwhelm Variation
6. Thumb in Grip to Elbow and Leg Variation
7. Thumb in Grip to High Guard to Armdrag
8. Hip Bumping Up and Down AND vs Stallers
9. Taking the Back
10. Revisiting How to Sweep to Mount
11. Strip Grip & Break Posture with Legs as He Begins to Stand
12. Strip Grip & Attempted Posture Break to Waiter Sweep
13. Waiter Sweep He Falls Wrong Side to Armdrag
14. Wrist Lock from Mounted Armdrag
15. Video Analysis

Language: English
Running Time: 71 Minutes


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