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Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu - The Elbow Weave Throw Series

Artikelnummer: JAKE-01668DL
34,99 €
inkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versand
By Vladislav Koulikov

Vladislav Koulikov is back!
This time he's teaching you a full series of throws using the Elbow Weave.
This highly effective set up easily gets your opponent off balance and with Vlad's expert level of details, you'll see the myriad of options available to you.

1. Intro / Getting the Grip
2. Posadka -Tani Otoshi
3. Lateral Drop -Uki Waza
4. Supplex - Ura Nage
5. Inside Knee Tap
6. Reverse Knee Tap
7. Kata Guruma
8. Ouchi Gake
9. Sasae Tsurikomi
10. Te Guruma
11. Sumi Gaeshi
12. Kawazu Gake
13. Duck Under Back Arch
14. Half Guard & Butterfly Sweep

About the instructor:
Vlad is the founder of the Koulikov Grappling Academy (KGA), and is a world champion competitor; placing 2 times in the USA and represented team USA in Combat Sambo in the World Championship in 2008.
He has placed and won multiple Naga and Grapplers Quest tournaments and was awarded the most technical fighter in the very first Grapplers Quest competition winning all his matches by submissions.

Language: English
Running Time: 35 Minutes


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