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Effective Wristlocks for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Vol.2

Artikelnummer: JAKE-00183DL
19,99 €
inkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versand
By Budo Jake

Wristlocks (known as mao de vaca in Portuguese) are some of the lesser used submissions in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu.
In this instructional, Gracie Barra black belt, IBJJF commentator, and active competitor - Budo Jake, teaches the intricacies of this often overlooked submission.
Jake shows not only how to do the wrist locks, but more importantly - when.
There are specific times when wrist locks can effectively be executed.

"Wrist locks are an extremely valuable asset that everyone should invest time in learning.
Whether to finish, distract, or aid in securing a secondary finish hold, they will boost your submission game.
I can’t wait to see what Budo Jake has up his sleeve, or not :) to benefit from!" - Shawn Williams

Side control:
1 Neck blade wrist lock
2 Seashell wrist lock
3 Twisting wrist lock kimura
4 Staller wrist lock
5 Kimura defense wrist lock
6 Arm triangle defense wrist lock
7 Kesagatame wrist locks
8 Armbar defense wrist lock

From mount:
9 Collar wrist lock
10 Gift wrap wrist lock

From back:
11 Reverse gooseneck
12 Twisting wrist lock choke defense
13 Sakuraba kimura wrist lock
14 Wrist lock variations from guard
15 Wrist lock variations from top

Language: English
Running Time: 47 Minutes


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