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The Muay Thai Clinch

Artikelnummer: JAKE-12574DL
12,99 €
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By Malaipet Sasiparapa

Malaipet "The Diamond" Sasiprapa started training in Muay Thai at the age of 5 in Thailand.
In Bangkok, Malaipet competed in over 250 fights becoming IKBA Intercontinental champion and IKKC Middle Weight Champion.
Malaipet is now fighting in MMA events in addition to his muay thai fights.

Closing The Distance:
-Defense against a punch: Jab
-Defense against a punch: Hook
-Defense against a punch: Uppercut
-Defense against a knee
-Defense against a low kick
-Defense against a mid kick
-Defense against a high kick
-Knee Attack while closing

Into the Clinch:
-Offensive Head and Neck Control - Pull Down
-Offensive Head and Neck Control - Knees
-Offensive Head and Neck Control - Throw #1
-Offensive Head and Neck Control - Throw #2
-Offensive Head and Neck Control - Elbow
-Head Neck Control Defense - Setup
-Head Neck Control Defense - Throw
-Head Neck Control Defense - Body Lock
-Head Neck Control Defense - Clinch Escape to Knee

-Arm lock to Knee
-Break Clinch to Elbow
-Push Head and Knee
-Shoulder Push Throw
-Knee Counter to Knee Attack #1
-Knee Counter to Knee Attack #2

Both Arms Under:
-Defense - Break Clinch
-Defense - Throw
-Defense - Shoots for Underhooks
-Attack - Elbow Lock and Knee
-Attack - Throw #1 and Defense
-Attack - Throw #2

Head Arm Lock:
-Defense Knee
-Defense - Elbow Out
-Defense - Elbow trapped
-Attack - Knee
-Attack - Throw
-Attack - Take the Back

-Swim to Elbow
-Swim to Throw

Body Lock:
-Defense - Mount

Against Taller Opponents:
-Knee to Throw
-When Pulled Down
-Head Arm Lock Defense

Language: English
Running Time: 45 Minutes


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