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4 DVD Box Kali JKD Ted Lucaylucay

Artikelnummer: EM3-71-4SET
58,82 €
exkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versand
By Ted Lucaylucay


Volume One:
Disk One covers Weapon Exercise Position. Angulation Theory. Parry & Safety Factors. Angles of Attack. Mobility. Static & Free-Flow Techniques.
This is a classic martial arts instructional series that was made several years ago. Excellent information. .

Volume Two:
Volume two covers Focus Gloves. Heavy Bag. Mok Jong. Kicking Shield. Double-End Bag. 5 Ways of Attack.
This is a classic martial arts instructional series that was made several years ago. Excellent information.

Volume Three: in a four DVD set.
DVD Three covers Timing/Rhythm Drills. Counterattack. Trapping Drills. Sensitivity Drills. Don Chi. Chi Sao.
This is a classic martial arts instructional series that was made several years ago. Excellent information.

Volume Four:
Disk Four covers Basic Knife Positions. Offensive/Defensive Training. Disarms & Takedowns. 12 Angles of Knife Attacks.
This is a classic martial arts instructional series that was made several years ago.

Language: English


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