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Mastering Judo Katami Waza Ground Work

Artikelnummer: RS506
21,00 €
exkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versand
Von Großmeister Toshikazu Okada

Folgender Inhalt hat diese DVD:
- Osae Komi Waza Story
- Ne Waza Introduction
- Ne Waza Warm Up and Drills
- Hon Kesa Gatame- regular scarf
- Hon Kesa Gatame- variations
- Hon Kesa Gatame- escapes
- Kuzure Kesa Gatame- irregular scarf hold
- Kuzure Kesa Gatame- escapes
- Ushiro Kesa Gatame- rear scarf hold
- Ushiro Kesa Gatame- escapes
- Kata Gatame- shoulder hold
- Kata Gatame- variations
- Kata Gatame- escapes
- Yoko Shiho Gatame- side four direction hold
- Yoko Shiho Gatame- variations
- Yoko Shiho Gatame- escapes
- Kami Shiho Gatame- upper four direction hold
- Kami Shiho Gatame- variations
- Kami Shiho Gatame- escapes
- Kuzure Kami Shiho Gatame- upper four direction hold
- Kuzure Kami Shiho Gatame- variation
- Kuzure Kami Shiho Gatame- escapes
- Tateshiho Gatame- vertical four direction hold
- Tateshiho Gatame- escape
- Ushiro Kesa Gatami- reverse cross chest hold
- Controlling Using the Obi
- Controlling Using the Lapel
- Turnover Techniques
- Entry From the Feet
- Holding and Crushing Drill
- Around the World Drill

In englischer Sprache (ohne Englischkenntnisse leicht verständlich).

68 Minuten


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