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Mastering Shotokan Karate Limited Edition 10 DVD Box + Buch

Artikelnummer: Kanazawa DVD-Set
335,29 €
exkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versand
10 DVD's und 1 Buch in edeler Holzkiste von Hirokazu Kanazawa 10.Dan Shotokan Karate

Dieses ist eine echte Geldanlage!!!
Hirokazu Kanazawa hat diese Aufnahmen im März 2005 in Los Angeles gedreht.
Weltweit wird es 1000 dieser limitierten Boxen geben.

Folgender Inhalt hat diese Geldanlage:
- DVD1: Te-Waza
- DVD2: Ashi-Waza
- DVD3: Kihon-Odo
- DVD4: Kyu Kata
- DVD5: Dan Kata
- DVD6: Ni Ju Hashi Ho
- DVD7: Kumite
- DVD8: Interview
- DVD9: A Master Goes to Hollywood
- DVD10: Ranvoll mit Fotos von Hirokazu Kanazawa! Es werden nicht nur Fotos von den Filmaufnahmen sein, sondern auch viele aus seiner privaten Sammlung, die teils noch nie veröffentlicht wurden.
Buch: "Karate My Life" von Hirokazu Kanazawa als Hardbook in englischer Sprache mit 299 Seiten!
Jede DVD dieser limited edition Serie ist mit viel Bonus Material bestückt und wird es so nie wieder geben!!
Auch ist jedes Teil einzeln durchnummeriert.
Eine edele Handgefertigte Holzkiste wird ebenfalls mitgeliefert.
Alle DVD's in diesem Set, sowie ein Echtheitszertifikat ist von Hirokazu Kanazawa persönlich Signiert!
Experten rechnen bereits, daß sich der Preis für diese Box in nur wenigen Jahren vervielfacht!!!

Hier die englischsprachige Beschreibung:

Mastering Karate:
Featuring Master Hirokazu Kanazawa

Hirokazu Kanazawa is considered by most to be the most technically gifted martial artist of all time. His technical excellence is only superseded by his personality. He is one of the very few Japanese Masters who has been able to bridge the gap between the western mind and the Japanese mind. He has now created a nine DVD set for all to learn from. The titles are:

TE WAZA- Hand Techniques including strikes, blocks, and much more.

ASHI WAZA- Foot techniques including kicks, stances, hips and shifting.

KIHON IDO- Combinations of hands and feet together plus shifting and much more.

KYU KATA- Below Black Belt katas including the Heinans, Tekki’s plus others.

DAN KATA– Black Belt kata. Each kata includes the form being done first slow and then fast along with the bunkai (explanation) of each move by Kancho.

NI JU HACHI HO- White Crane form done in slow speed and then full speed by Kancho Kanazawa including many explanations of the moves.

KUMITE– In this DVD you will see why many consider the Shotokan practioners to be the best fighters in traditional Japanese karate as two SKIF champions go full out demonstrating ippon kumite sanbon kumite, gohon kumite and jiyu kumite. Manabu Murakami and Nobuaki Kanazawa will show you what their teacher taught them.

INTERVIEW WITH KANCHO– This is a tell all interview that we have all been waiting for. Have you ever wondered how and why the JKA did what they did? Ever wonder why Kancho Kanazawa left the JKA or England. Its all here plus he talks in depth about what he learnt from FunaKO'shi, Nakayama, Okazaki, Nishiyama and the rest. Plus just so much more it is amazing. The interview was conducted by acclaimed author, writer, interviewer Don Warrener. Don’t miss this it is excruciatingly interesting as the Master is put on the hot seat.

A MASTER GOES TO HOLLYWOOD– Hirokazu Kanazawa is not above having a laugh, even if it is at his own expense. You will see all the bloopers, errors and mix ups plus when he met Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley (look a likes) on the famous Hollywood Boulevard. You will see people from all over the world giving testimonials and accreditation to the one they call Kancho. Plus many surprises as you are taken behind the scenes of the making of Mastering Karate and more.

Filmed in Hollywood California and directed by critically acclaimed (IMPACT MAGAZINE) Isaac Florentine who has worked with notables such as Jean Claude Van Damme, David Caradine, Dolph Lungren, Scott Atkins, Amy Smart, Michael Jay White and now Hirokazu Kanazawa these DVD’s are sure to go down in history as the finest ever created on Shotokan Karate. The best karate-ka and the best director what else is there? This is a totally new way of presenting instructional DVD’s that are not just informative and educational but also interesting and fun to watch.

There is also a LIMITED EDITION series available. Only 1000 made (after which the seal will be smashed) and each of the 9 DVD’s in this LIMITED EDITION series will have bonus material on them and a 10th DVD filled with photos from around the world. Magazine like Karate Budo Journal (Germany), Budo International (Spain), Samurai Sportifio (Italy), plus magazines from England, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and USA plus many more have all willfully donated to the disc of photos plus Kancho Kanazawa has made available many from his own private collection of photos. Finally the LIMITED EDITION box set will also have a copy of his newest book that is already being compared to “Zen In The Martial Arts” by Joe Hymes and “Karate Do My Way of Life” by Gichin Funaksohi.

Each of the LIMITED EDITION series will come with a certificate of authenticity as well as Kancho signature and personal seal stating that this is # XXX in the series of 1000. Truly a collector’s set.
Each of the LIMITED EDITION collector’s box set will come inside a beautifully hand crafted solid pine box for safe storage for years to come with absolutely gorgeous kanji on the front.


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