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Iron Vest Qi Gong

Artikelnummer: YVS-342
21,00 €
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Chinese Strength & Health Program

von Professor Thomas Keen

Folgenden Inhalt hat diese toll DVD:
- Introduction
- History
- Benefits
- Traditional Training Program
- Modern Training Program
- The Big Hug
- Monk Holding the Bow
- Buffalo Goes to the sea
- Rabbit on parade
- The Crane
- Cat Chases the mouse
- The Whip
- Twist, Twist, Palm
- The Bird Flies
- Leading the sheep
- Snake Tums over
- Elephant swings his trunk
- Tiger Claw
- Horse stomps his feet
- Dragon wrap arond the pole
- Rhino looks at the moon
- The Hand
- Tiger stretches his back
- Old man crawls of out the hole
- Rowing the boat
- Action of the axe
- Eagle hunts for food
- Monkey climbs the tree
- Meditations
- Hit the body

In englischer Sprache (ohne Englischkenntnisse leicht verständlich).

62 Minuten


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