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Les Clés du Yoga

Artikelnummer: KB-8915
21,50 €
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Der Schlüssel des Yoga - Les Clés du Yoga - The Keys to Yoga

The book:

Les Clés du Yoga (The Keys to Yoga) gives a new perspective on the practice of this
discipline. The book proposes a modern approach which allows to fight
effectively against the physical and mental tensions, by reducing the stress in
a progressive and long-lasting way. Les Clés du Yoga is a combination between
techniques, knowledge and sensitive understanding, to make a precious help of
your practice in your daily life.

The author:
Bertrand Bruyat studied in several schools of Yoga and is also initiated
into the techniques of meditation. Thus his teaching integrates Yoga, nidra and
meditation of the full consciousness for a practice adapted to the world of
Format 17 X 24 cm

Autor: Bertrand Bruyat
Verlag: VP-Masberg

Sprache: Französisch


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