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Ryukyu Kenpo Karate 1922 by Gichin Funakoshi

Artikelnummer: L.E.T.001PB
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Ryukyu Kenpo Karate 1922

By Gichin Funakoshi

Translated by Ayano Shimada

Written in 1922 Ryukyu Kenpo Karate is the first book written by Gichin Funakoshi the founder of Japanese Karate.
This is over 100 years ago and is a glimpse into the mind of the man who started it all and what he wanted it to be.
This book with only a few actual photographs has many line drawings that he had done remembering that in Japan photography was still in its infancy.
You will see exactly how he wanted the basics done and as well.
He speaks about how "Karate has no first attack" plus there is an exact and precise history of this Okinawan art of self defence.
He also speaks about what his wishes for karate were and how he hoped it would spread around the world.

Our translator Ayano Shimada has painstakingly researched many of the words that are no longer used in the Japanese language plus she has studied the 6 volumes of Okinawan History so that the reader now has translator notes to explain some of the points of history as related to the book.
We have them Bolded and in Italics for easier reading.

Publisher: Warrener Entertainment
Author: Gichin Funakoshi
Format: 16 X 24 cm
Weight: 400g
Language: English
200 pages
ISBN: M0D2073634474


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