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Koryu Uchinadi Vol.9 Koryu Uchinadi Nyumon 2 DVD Box

Artikelnummer: KU-9DL
12,60 €
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By Patrick McCarthy – International Ryukyu Karate Research Society

IRKRS Koryu Uchinadi Nyumon 

Before the advent of modern Karate, there existed a remarkable martial arts in Okinawa referred to as Ryukyu Kempo Toudi-Jutsu.
Simplifed for the purpose being put into Okinawa's turn-of-the-century school system to build robust bodies and militaristic mentalities, in support of Japan's escalating war machine, Ryukyu Kempo Toudi-Jutsu ultimately became influenced by Japanese Budo culture which transformed the revised practice into a sport and cultural recreation.

Koryu Uchinadi Kempo-Jutsu is a unique collection & functional re-interpretation of old-school tegumi grappling drills & those embryonic Fujian-based quanfa practices once secretly cultivated before the development of the modern tradition.
Re-systematized into a cohesive & completely application-based study, it came about as a result of researcher, author and master instructor, Patrick McCarthy, fusing together the principal teachings from many of this tradition's most celebrated pioneers.

Having studied the art since childhood, Patrick McCarthy is one of the few non-Japanese master-level instructors regularly invited to teach kata application, pressure point theory and the history of traditional Karate all over the world.
A former world karate champion, a published re-searcher and a professional teacher, McCarthy Hanshi spend years in Japan researching and developing a simple yet effective way through which to teach the functional application principles of kata.

1: Reishiki (Etiquette),
2: Junbi/Seri Undo (KU Preparatory & cool down exercises, including ukemi waza, Ne Keri waza, Tachi Keri waza futari-geiko)
3: Kihon-waza Solo drills (a. Tsuki-waza, b. Keri-waza, c. Kamae-waza, d. Kaishu-waza, e. Heishu Waza, f. Uke-waza),
4: Kihon-gata (Taisabaki-gata),
5: Taisabaki Oyo-jutsu (Two-person application practices to the Taisabaki kata),
6. Futari Renzoku-geiko (2-person continuous reenactment drills for all 6 sets of kihon waza)

Language: English
Running Time: 208 Minutes


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