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Pencak Silat - 20 Kuncian 20 Styles Vol.1

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Artikelnummer: PENCAK-1DL-EN
12,60 €
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By Pak Haji Syofian Nadar

PK Haji Syofyan Nadar is, actually, one of the best master in Minangkabau Silek and renowed for his knowledge in Harimau, Byang and Sunua Styles.
A real virtuoso in locks art (Kuncian).
In this film, he presents the first 10 Kuncian (from 10 defferent styles) from a series of 20.
With the goal of better understanding of this kuncian, Pk Haji Syofian Nadar will also show you some forms (Jurus Balabek) from Sunua and Harimau.
With the help of this 2 sons and 2 assistants, Pk Haji offers to you the ability to learn deadly techniques with or without weapons.

In Bonus, you'll have the chance to watch, and this is unique in this video, Pk Haji and an other Pencak Silat great master: Kang Cecep A. Rahman, in an exercice where each of the player should try to block the other...

Langkah Balabek Sunua:
-Langkah Pasembahan Sunua
-Balabek Sunua Dasar 1
-Balabek Sunua Dasar 2

Kombinasi 9 Pukulan:
-Perhormatan Kaidah
-Kombinasi 9 Pukulan
-Kombinasi 9 Pukulan / 2 Jalan

Harimau Singgalang:
-Langkah Balabek Harimau
-Kombinasi Harimau

Tangkapan Bayang-Harimau-Sunua:
-Ganda Tangkapan Bayang-Harimau-Sunua

10 Techniques Kuncian:
-Silek Bayang
-Tari Sewah
-Bayang Buayo
-Silek Jalik
-Pakiah Rabun
-Silek Tuoh Bayang
-Silek Sunua Batino
-Silek Gula Tare Maninjau

Languages: English, French
Running Time: 120 Minutes


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