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7 DVD Box Kali Ilustrisimo

Artikelnummer: EM3-79-7SET

Kali Ilustrismo is a highly effective system of Filipino martial arts. Presented by the First Generation Senior Students of the art, this unique style is demonstrated and explained in detail by the late Senior Instructors Christopher Ricketts and Rey Galang.

7 DVD set Includes:
Disc-1 - Christopher Ricketts Interview by Masters Magazine
Disc-2 - SAGASAS Vol-1 Filipino Unarmed Combat (Basics -Stances/Balance) Principals and Training Methods.
Disc-3 - SAGASAS Vol-2 (Kickboxing Basics)
Disc-4 to 7- KALI ILUSTRISIMO Vol-1, 2, 3, & 4
Volume 1. Kali Ilustrisimo - BASICS - Strikes, stances, posotioning, distance...
Volume 2. Kali Ilustrisimo #2 Drills & Blocks
Volume 3: Flowing Drill and Fighting Grips. Detailed highly effective signature flow drill (cuatro cantos) of Kali Ilustrisimo. Discover the unique training methods and techniques that made Kali Ilustrisimo a much sought-after and respected art. 
Volume 4. Knife training - Sparta Adaga knife techniques.

The Kali Ilustrisimo DVD series finally makes public the much sought after and respected art of the late Grandmaster Anotionio "Tatang" Ilustrisimo.

Language: English
Running Time: 234 Minutes


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