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Eskrima Drills - Lameco Long Range Single Sword

Artikelnummer: BUDO-FLORES2

Guro Dino Flores has focused this work  on long range distance, a distance you must master before venturing into  medium or short range distance with any weapon and without protective  gear.
The 12 Eskrima Drills are a combination of the movements Punong  Gruo Sulite found most common in real combat situations and referred to  them as the "Soul of Lameco", because many hidden secrets are found in  these apparently simple exercises. Though most of the Eskrima exercises  can be done either with stick or sword, this dvd is focused in long  distance with the sword, a special training that was heavily influenced  by Great Grandmaster Antonio Ilustrisimo.

Guro Flores will teach you the  differences in strategy in long distance with either stick or sword,  the footwork and five of the 12 Eskrima Drills in detail with their  applications and variations. These exercises are essential in order to  understand the Great Art of Fighting know as Lameco Eskrima. 

Language: Englisch, Spanisch, Französisch, Italienisch


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