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Giron Escrima Vol.2 Cadena De Mano

Artikelnummer: EM3-402
By Grandmaster Tony Somera

This video illustrates the Cadena de Mano style in the Giron Arnis Escrima system of Filipino Martial Arts.
The term Cadena de Mano literally means "chain of the hands." This is a close-quarter fighting style consisting of a progression from parry to grab, twist, and lock.
Your opponent may be armed or unarmed, but you have no weapon. You will always maintain contact with your opponent's hands until you have him in a compromising position. If your opponent continues to be aggressive, you will employ finger locks, joint locks, arm bars, and/or chokes.
Grandmaster Leo M. Giron used this style as a back-up fighting system during WW II in the jungles of the Philippines. 

60 Minutes

Language: English


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