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Leo Fong on "My Friend Angel Cabales"

Artikelnummer: RS942

von Leo Fong

After a life time of martial arts and now at 86 years of age Leo Fong new them all Bruce Lee, Wally Jay, Ron Marchini and Escrimador Angel Cabales.

Angel according to Leo was the fastest and the best of them all in Escrima.
It was Angel who taught the Filipino art of knife, stiick and empty hand fighting according to Leo he was the best in this art.

This DVD is all about Angel from 2 old 8 mm films that Leo shot in his back yard in the 1960's to his in depth interview on Angel that discloses many unknown facts about the Escrima dor who actually fought and won full contact matches in the Fillipines.

In Englischer Sprache

45 Minuten


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