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Okinawan Shorin Ryu Karate Vol.2

Artikelnummer: EM3-311
21,00 €
exkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versand
By Eihachi Ota

Shorin Ryu is one of the world's major Karate styles.
Created and developed by Okinawan masters, this style mixes the traditions and experiences of the ancient art with a modern approach to self-defense.

In this work, Master Ota shows key traditional kata and basic bunkai. Some of the traditional Shorin Ryu forms have never been analyzed this way before.

This DVD series is more than a how-to manual; it explores the history and philosophy behind this dynamic and practical method of karate-do.
Containing basic applications for all the forms of the Shorin Ryu system, this series will be a valuable reference for anyone seeking to learn and understand not only the principles and techniques of Shorin Ryu, but also the cultural essence of Okinawan Karate.

Language: English


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