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2 DVD Box Sight Beyond Sight - Wing Chun Energy Drills

Artikelnummer: EM3-371
Energy Drills To Develop Sensitivity And Adaptability

By Sifu Harinder Singh Sabharwal

Sifu Singh is a descendant of an unbroken lineage of masters, He has spent years
studying with masters and eating the bitter pill, training and teaching so he can pass
on the ancient arts to a modern, cutting edge audience. His science of movement,
fighting, wellness, and strategy is an evolution of a global journey spanning continents
and cultures. It culminates in the present system which he teaches to Navy SEALS,U.S.
Secret Service, SWAT Commanders and Police Captains, executives, FBI, CIA, CEO's,
DEA, professional athletes, elite law enforcement personnel throughout the United
States, as well as other foreign and domestic military and intelligence agencies.

Vol 4 & 5 - Energy Drills to develop Sensitivity and Adaptability

Language: English


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