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Mastering Wing Chun Vol.2 Samuel Kwok - Chum Kiu

Artikelnummer: EM3-303
21,00 €
exkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versand
The Keys to Ip Man Kung Fu

By Grandmaster Samuel Kwok

Chum Kiu is the second form in the Wing Chun Kung Fu system. This form teaches the dynamic application of the techniques learned in Wing Chun's first form Siu Lim Tao.

While the first form teaches the correct structure of the attacks and defensive movements, it is in Chum Kiu that the student learns to "seek the bridge" and use both hands simultaneously, such as one hand defending while the other attacks.
Chum Kiu teaches stepping and footwork, and also Wing Chun's specialized kicking method and the generation of power through the correct method of using the entire body in stance turning (Yiu Ma). In this DVD,

Grandmaster Kwok also demonstrates and explains in detail the use of Wing Chun's devastating short-range power.


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