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Wing Chun Training Drills

Artikelnummer: EM3-346
By Tony Massengill

Two of the things which sets Wing Chun apart from many other systems is the principles upon which it is built and the way it is trained. In this DVD, 3rd Generation Ip Man Family Wing Chun Lineage Master Instructor Tony Massengill presents the keys to effective training for developing Conditioned Reflex in fighting techniques. These are drills and principles will not only improve the Wing Chun practitioner, but enhance the skill level of any martial artist no matter what system they practice.

Drills include methods of improving:

• Contact Reflex

• Physical and Structural Speed

• Close Range Effectiveness

• Economy in Attack and Defense

• Power from Proper Structure, not Muscular Strength

• And Much, Much More!

Language: English


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