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Pencak Silat Putra Betawi

Artikelnummer: Pencak-7
21,00 €
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Mustika Kwitang - Syahbandar - Tiga Berantai - Permata Sakti - Pusaka Jakarta

This film will bring you inside the Pencak Silat of the Jakarta’s Robin Hood: Si Pitung!
Close ranges, fast and sophisticated hand’s techniques, the 5 styles of Putra Betawi that we present you are a part of the heritage of the techniques that was used by Si Pitung a well-known fighter who was living at the end of 19th century.
We are very proud to present you, for the first time on this film the Mustika-Kwitang with the famous Babe Zakaria, Syahbandar with its strong inner power techniques, Tiga Berantai which will show you its typical used of double steel sticks, Pusaka Jakarta with its strong and short self defence techniques and Permata Sakti which had very close links with the original Si Pitung’s way of fighting!
Make the travel, with these 5 greats Jakarta’s styles of Pencak Silat, inside the legend of Si Pitung, long time reputed invulnerable…

Mustika Kwitang:
-Jurus empty hands,
-Jurus with Golok,
-Jurus with long stick,
-Ganda with weapons (Trisula, Stick, Sarong and knife),
-5 Techniques of self defence.

-Jurus empty hands,
-Inner Power,
-5 Techniques of self defence.

Tiga Berantai:
-Jurus empty hands,
-Jurus with Golok,
-Jurus with 2 short steel sticks,
-4 Techniques of self defence.

Pusaka Jakarta:
-Jurus empty hands,
-Jurus with long stick,
-Ganda empty hands and with Golok,
-6 Techniques of self defence.

Permata Sakti:
-Jurus empty hands,
-Jurus with Golok,
-8 Techniques of self defence.

Language: English
Running Time: 70 Minutes


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