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The Deadly Art of Pentjak Silat-Serak Vol.1

Artikelnummer: EM3-424-1
21,00 €
exkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versand
By Maha Guru Victor de Thouars

Advanced Instruction by Pendekar Paul deThouars & Dan Inosanto

The first authorized DVD series offered to the public on this ancient art. Taught by Victor DeThouars and Dan Inosanto. The history of Pentjak Silat, stretching, empty-hand fighting, stick fighting, coconut and bat breaking. Advanced techniques as well! 
Note: this is one of the earliest DVDs displaying the influences of Pukulan Pentjak Silat Serak, Pencak Siliat and Silat Tongkat.

Vol-1 features the history Pentjak Silat, One and Two man Stretching, Empty Hand Fighting, Cocconut and Bat Breaking and a special section of Advanced Techniques of Serak. and much more!

Language: English
Running Time: 55 Minutes


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