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The Art of Disarming - Knife Fighting

Artikelnummer: EM3-104
19,99 €
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By Steve Tarani

One of the most intriguing aspects of edged weapons personal defense skills is the art of disarming.
Given its life-threatening risk factor, disarming is considered the absolute highest level of skill in the bladed arts.
Labeled by the Masters of Edged Weapons as “accidental or incidental” disarming is not something you want to try at home using the kitchen steak knife!
Although a highly valued set of skills, the Art of Disarming takes literally decades of training, commitment and personal discipline to truly master.
What about the rest of us with a real jobs, family and commitments? Inside this detailed training guide, there is a select choice of “bread and butter” techniques designed for rapid assimilation that can give you these practical survival skills.
With no previous training whatsoever and a little time (and a patient training partner!) these critical skills can be made part of your personal tool kit – should you need them.

In this volume, scope of study includes: Brief history, fundamentals of body position, anatomy of attack and defense against a knife, mastering of your timing, placement, grip, direct application of force and other time-honored edged weapon disarming secrets of the ancients as passed down to Mr. Tarani via the Filipino, Malaysian and Indonesian Masters of the Art of Disarming.

About the Instructor : Subject matter expert (SME) advisor to US FBI, US DEA, US TSA, US NSA and other agencies as well as an active federal use-of-force training contractor utilized by US DOJ, US DHS, US DOD, etc., Steve Tarani is a full-time training provider of operational skills to high-profile agencies.
His programs of instruction have been accepted as standard curriculum for a number of US federal and state-accredited programs.
Possessing unique knowledge and information valuable to the enabling of skills in the area of edged weapon personal defense, Tarani is considered a leading subject matter authority in the professional training community.
A devoted disciple of the masters of the bladed arts for more than a quarter of a century, Mr. Tarani is uniquely certified in three specific documented systems.
His decades of devotion as a disciple of his Filipino, Malaysian and Indonesian masters set him apart from other instructors.
In addition to his unbroken years of study with his Masters who migrated to the US, Tarani has also trained directly under the lineage of the Masters on-site in Japan, the Philippines, and Indonesia.

Language: English
Running Time: 55 Minutes


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