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3 DVD Box Beginner's Guide To Unarmed Combat Vol.1-3

Artikelnummer: EM3-74-3SET
49,99 €
inkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versand

By Jeff Jeds

Jeff Jeds, raised in a military family, started training as a student of the martial arts at the age of 8, when he took up both boxing and practical self-defense.
Jeds continued with intensive training into adulthood, and later expanded his deepening knowledge into the arts of Tae Kwon Do-Hapkido, Muay Thai, Krav Maga and Shotokan Karate.
Now a highly-skilled practitioner and teacher of both weaponless defense and armed combat, Jeff Jeds brings his invaluable instruction directly to youin this incredible DVD, covering the important art of Weaponless Fighting.

The Beginner’s Guide to Unarmed Combat, one of three truly exceptional volumes aimed at the novice martial arts student, is an all-inclusive tutorial o weaponless defense for beginning martial arts students of all ages.
An expert in Escrima, Shotokan and Jeet Kune Do, Jeff Jeds demonstrates how to use your hands, feet, body position, movement and balance to thwart an opponent.

The Beginner's Guide to Stick Fighting, one of three truly exceptional volumes aimed at the novice martial arts student, is an all-inclusive tutorial on stick combat for beginning martial arts students of all ages.
Get ready for an exciting and well developed lesson on this exciting martial art, one that will take you from the ground up and give you the mechanics of blocking, evading, striking and much more.

The Beginner's Guide to Knife Fighting, one of three truly exceptional volumes aimed at the novice martial arts student, is an all-inclusive tutorial on knife combat for beginning martial arts students of all ages.
An expert in Filipino Escrima, Jeff Jeds demonstrates how to use evasion techniques, foot work, blocks, stabs and slices - enough great material for years of martial arts practice.

Language: English


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