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Yin Yang Taiji 13 Postures

Artikelnummer: DVD-LH012
Yin Yang Taiji 13 Postures

By Grandmaster Shouyu Lang

All of the Taijiquan skills originate from variations and combinations of the Taiji Thirteen Postures.
This is the essence of Taijiquan, the key that unlocks the secret of all Taijiquan.
These thirteen basic skills are the foundation of all Taijiquan skills.

In Taiji Yin Yang Thirteen Postures, every movement is done on both left and right side for balance.
Each movement has its yin and Yang, soft and hard counterparts.
The movements embody both explicit and hidden power as well as soft and explosive power.
The martial application for each side of the movement has its own uniqueness.
To make it more diverse, this routine has also included some of the typical movements from Yang, Chen, Sun and Wu Style Taijiquan. 

Grandmaster Shouyu Lang has been practicing Chinese Martial Arts since 1948 and has accumulated an abundant level of experience and understanding from learning, practicing, teaching, lecturing and writing.
Grandmaster Liang started his Taijiquan Training in the 1950's.
He first started practicing Yang Style, then started the training of Chen Style in the early 1960's and later went on to learn Sun Style and Wu Style Taijiquan.
He was a Taiji Champion in Sichuan province for three consecutive years in the 1970's and pepresented Sichuan to practicipate in the national Martial Arts exhibition.
Utilizing his  more than fifty years of teaching experience, Grandmaster Shouyu Liang created two Taiji Thirteen Postures forms: The Simplified Taiji Thirteen Postures and Taiji Yin Yang Thirteen Postures.
These two forms display the thirteen postures in a very clear manner that practitioners of all levels should find them easy to comprehend.

Helen Liang is Grandmaster Liang's eldest daughter and the director of his the Shou-Yu Liang Wushu Taiji Qigong Institute in Vancouver, Canada.
A decorated champion and noted teacher in her own right, Helen has been featured on Television and in Magazines for her expertise in the Martial Arts.
Language: English
Running Time: 62 Minutes


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