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Modern Arnis Philippine Style of Stick Fighting by Remy A. Presas

Artikelnummer: RSB-214
28,03 €
exkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versand
By Remy A. Presas

While the martial arts have existed for centuries, martial arts aren't often adapted to modern elements.
Modern Arnis takes the Fillipino martial art and adapts it to be useful in contemporary time, by providing a mixture of ways to keep the body in good shape to perform, a variety of techniques and combinations, and even goes as far as providing techniques against firearms.
Written by Remy Amador Presas.

Publisher: Warrener Entertainment
Author: Remy A. Presas
Format: 15 X 23 cm
Weight: 200g
Language: English
70 pages
ISBN: M0D2025192697


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