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Taekwon Do 1965 General Choi Hong Hi

Artikelnummer: MDW-149
29,99 €
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By General Choi Hong Hi

This is the original master text written by General Choi Hong Hi in 1965.
The book is one of the most complete books ever written on this wonderful Korean art including chapters on all the kicking techniques as well as hand and throwing techniques of this the art the General named in 1955 including a brief history and just so much more.

Out of print for more then 40 years it is now back in print for the first time.
Featured in this text is one of the most skillful Tae Kwon Do Masters ever Master Jong Soo Park.

Publisher: Masters Publication
Author: Choi Hong Hi
Format: 15 X 23 cm
Weight: 500g
Language: English
308 pages
ISBN: 9781897311981


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