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Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu - Baseball Choke

Artikelnummer: JAKE-16019DL
14,99 €
inkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versand
By Magid Hage

Magid Hage IV shocked the world by submitting 2 high level black belts in the same competition with his specialty move - the Baseball Choke.
Magid will show you how you can use this unorthodox choke to surprise even the most seasoned competitors.
Magid will show you all the details about the grips and how to finish this choke from literally any position.

1 Intro
2 Intro to the grips
3 from knees
4 from standing
5 from scissor sweep
6 closed guard on top
7 half guard on top traditional
8 half guard on top rolling
9 half guard knee on belly
10 half guard on bottom
11 from back escape
12 sitting and opponent on knees
13 butterfly from top
14 butterfly from bottom
15 single leg standing
16 single leg sprawled
17 from mount
18 from knee on belly
19 double guard pull leg drag
20 double guard pull leg drag counter
21 jump over escape
22 outro

Language: English
Running Time: 39 Minutes


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