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Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu - Break a Leg

Artikelnummer: JAKE-00687DL
24,99 €
inkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versand
By Jeff Glover

The enigmatic Jiu jiutsu competitor and instructor Jeff Glover is back!
After laying out his deep half guard and darce chokes in previous Budovideos instructionals, now he's finally laying out his tournament tested leglock game.

In his witty unique teaching style, Jeff teaches like no one else can.
His simple yet detailed, clear and concise instruction will get you comfortable attacking your partners lower half.
You'll learn heelhooks, ankle locks and kneebars from a wide variety of positions.

1 Intro

Closed Guard:
2 Straight ankle lock
3 Falling straight ankle lock

Open guard:
4 Side Fall
5 Back fall

Half Guard (Top):
6 Ashi garami
7 Stepover 411

Half Guard (Bottom):
8 Push Back Ashi Garami (inside & outside)

9 Open Guard Back Step
10 Open Guard 2 on 1 Shin
11 Open Guard Knee Slice
12 Sidemount

From Bad Positions:
13 Bottom Mount
14 Bottom Side
15 North South
16 Back with Hooks
17 Stepover kneebar from back

Butterfly Guard:
18 Leg Reap
19 411 Twist

20 411 Mount Drill
21 Ankle Lock Escape Drill
22 Reap Step Out Drill
23 4 Positions Drill
24 Outro

Bonus Features

Language: English
Running Time: 46 Minutes


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