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Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu - World Class BJJ Vol.1-3

Artikelnummer: JAKE-00807DL
34,99 €
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By Elan Santiago

Elan Santiago is a 4th degree black belt, the instructor of 5 time world champ Lucas Lepri, and also close friend and training partner of Fernando Terere.
His teaching represents solid old school fundamentals mixed with modern jiu-jitsu.

Vol 1: Back Taking & Attacking:

On this instructional, Elan teaches effective ways of taking the back and attacking the back.
The details that Elan shows are ones that for the most part have not been shown on any other instructional.
1) Intro
2) Back Take 1
3) Back Take 2
4) Finishing the Choke from Crucifix
5) Brabo Cross Choke
6) Clock Choke Variation 1
7) Clock Choke Variation 2
8) Clock Choke Variation 3
9) Clock Choke Variation 4

Vol 2: Submissions:

On this instructional, Elan teaches some unique and effective submissions. The details that Elan shows are ones that for the most part have not been shown on any other instructional.
1) Intro
2) Double Lapel Baseball Choke
3) Americana Defense to Armlock
4) Kimura Defense to Armlock
5) Half Guard Knee Bar
6) Half Guard Calf Slicer
7) Arm Triangle Variation from Side Control
8) Guard Pass to Clock Choke
9) Guard Pass to Ezekiel

Vol 3: Guard Passing and Sweeps:

On this instructional, Elan teaches some of his favorite guard passes & sweeps. The details that Elan shows are ones that for the most part have not been shown on any other instructional.
1) Intro
2) Closed Guard Pass
3) De la Riva Pass
4) De la Riva Toreando Pass
5) Reverse De la Riva Pass
6) Baiting Butterfly Sweep
7) Big Boy Butterfly Sweep
8) Closed Guard to Arm & Back Sweep
9) Closed Guard Armbar to Back
10) Half Guard Lapel Grip to Back
11) Half Guard Bump Sweep
12) Deep Half Guard Pass
13) Deep Half Guard Ankle Lock

Language: English
Running Time: 72 Minutes


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