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Pencak Silat BP. Syofian Nadar Vol.1

Artikelnummer: PENCAK-5DL
12,60 €
exkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versand

The Tiger Fighting System from Java

By BP. Syofian Nadar

Bp Syofian Nadar is a master of 21 different Silek Minangkabau styles.
He is born in 1955 and started to learn Silek from Sumatra at 13 years old.
During a seminar in France he gave us the possibility to show the styles Sunua and Bayang.
More than just a seminar, this film is like a personal training.
It is the first time that Bp Syofian Nadar accepts to show and share a part of his knowledge on this video (basic and advanced lock and ground fighting).

This great master will bring you inside the traditional Silek Minangkabau, which is one of the oldest forms of Pencak Silat from Indonesia.

Langkah Balabek Sunua
Buangan Dasar
Buangan Bayang
Kuncian Dasar
Free application

Demonstration of Bp Syofian (Sunua-Bayang-Harimau Singgalang)
Presentation of weak points (part 1)

Language: English
Running Time: 65 Minutes


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