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Pencak Silat - Garis Paksi Vol.4

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Artikelnummer: PENCAK-16DL-EN
12,60 €
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By Kang Gending Raspuzi

Kang Gending Raspuzi presents in this Film his training method Garis Paks.
Garis Paksi is a pedagogy that will help you to learn and understand Pencak Silat from West Java and Banten like:
Cimande, Cikalong, Panglipur, Sanalika, Timbangan, Ulin Makao,Sahbandar...

Kang Gending Raspuzi, who started learning Pencak Silat in 1976 at 11 years old, is a well-known Pendekar who master the majority of Pencak styles from West Java and Banten, he is also one of the trainers of Cecep A Rahman !

With this method you can start Pencak from the beginning and learn stretching, hands and legs basic movements, Jurus, explanations and applications of Jurus, breathing... Garis Paksi will help you to increase your knowledge about Pencak Silat.

Jurus 6 GILES:

Jurus 7 SIKU:


Languages: English, French
Running Time: 100 Minutes


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