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Pencak Silat - Maenpo from Cianjur

Artikelnummer: PENCAK-25DL
12,60 €
exkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versand


For the first time, some Master from the City of Cianjur will show you the well-known Maenpo from West Java.
Cikalong, Sabandar, Kari, Cikaret, these old Forms of Pencak Silat was very secret until now! 
Saudara Kaum is proud to offer you the possibility to learn the Jurus of these famous Styles and see some Application with old Masters, who will show you the use of inner Power.
In this film you will discover, for the first time, traditional Pencak Silat perform by the best Masters from the City of Cianjur.

-6 Jurus and Application of Cikalong
-5 Jurus and Application of Cikalong Pancer Bumi
-5 Jurus and Application of Sabandar-Cikaret
-9 Jurus and Application of Kari-Cikaret
-8 and 18 Jurus and Application of Sabandar Bojongherang

Bonus: Demonstration with: Kang Gending Raspuzi, Kang Cecep Arief Rahman and Sesepuh Kari-Cikaret During the Shooting of the Video.

Language: Original Sound
Running Time: 85 Minutes


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