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Aiki Expo 2002 - 5ht Friendship Demonstration Vol.2

Artikelnummer: DVD-05
19,99 €
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Part two of the 5th Friendship Demonstration held in conjunction with Aiki Expo 2002 held May 3-5, 2002 in Las Vegas.
This is the exciting conclusion of the Expo demonstration with more top aikido instructors, classical martial arts, and a spellbinding tameshi-giri presentation as the finale.

A list of the demonstrators includes:
-Dang Thong Phong, 6th dan Aikikai
-Frank Mc Gouirk, 6th dan Aikikai
-John Messores, 6th dan Aikikai
-Hiroshi Ikeda, 7th dan Aikikai
-Clint George, 6th dan Aikikai
-Geordan Reynolds, 4th dan Yoshinkan Aikido
-Kevin Blok, 6th dan Yoshinkan Aikido
-Pat Hendricks, 6th dan Aikikai
-Fred Haynes, 6th dan Yoshinkan Aikido
-Rick Stickles, 6th dan Aikikai
-Ken Good, Surefire Institute
-Kyoichi Inoue, 9th dan Yoshinkan Dojo-cho
-Chuck Clark, 8th dan Jiyushinkai
-Dennis Hooker, 6th dan Aikikai
-Jacques Payet, 5th dan Yoshinkai
-Peter Goldsbury, 6th dan Aikikai
-Ellis Amdur, Araki Ryu / Toda-ha Buko Ryu
-Patrick Auge, 7th dan Yoseikan Aikido
-Haruo Matsuoka, 5th dan Aikikai
-James Williams, Nami Ryu Aiki Heiho

An inspiration for every aikidoka and martial artist!

Language: English
Running Time: 112 Minutes


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