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Hapkido - World Hapkido Federation

Artikelnummer: BUDO-FEH1
21,00 €
exkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versand
By Jose Manuel Reyes Perez

José Manuel Reyes Pérez, Hapkido 7th Dan by the World Hapkido Federation (WHF) and a member of the Board thereof, International Director for Western Europe and President of the Federación Española de Hapkido (FEH - Spanish Hapkido Federation Hapkido),
in his first DVD, presents a complete treatise on the techniques that make truly great this traditional Korean Martial Art, through the legacy that was directly transmitted to him by Grandmaster Kwang Sik Myung, Hapkido 10th Dan.

Hapkido is the Art of Dynamic Self Defense par excellence that combines speed and fluidity, along with the physical preparation, technique, breathing, meditation and the cultivation of internal energy. An art that covers a variety of techniques with and without weapons combining defenses and attacks, including leg, knee, fist, elbow, throws and choke techniques, and very especially dislocation techniques. In this work, Master Reyes shows us the Danjon Hop breathing exercises, the Gonkiok Sul arm attacks, the Jok Sul double and triple leg techniques, the Ho Shin Sul self-defense, the Dan Bong attack and defense techniques with short stick, and defense against knife.

A complete work on an art, Hapkido, or the way of harmonizing the energy, the practice of which helps greatly improve our health, both physical and mental, and provides the practitioner with vitality, energy, self-confidence, character and personality.

- Languages included in DVD: English, Español, Italiano, Français


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