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Dan Zan Ryu Ju-Jitsu Vol.5 Shinin No Maki Part:1 Advance Arts Vol.1

Artikelnummer: DVD-WC105
18,99 €
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Dan Zan Ryu Ju-Jitsu Vol.5
Shinin No Maki Part:1 Advance Arts Vol.1

By Professor Henry S. Okazaki & John K. Cahill Sr.

Shinin No Maki is the advance techniques of Professor Henry S. Okazaki usually practiced by Black Belt students.
There are 36 techniques so it is in two separate DVD's Shinin No Maki Part 1 and Shinin No Maki Part 2.

Unless you have completed the other techniques of the Danzan Ryu (aka Kodenkan) System you will have no idea what this is all about, especially trying to learn this from a DVD.
You must enroll into a school that teaches this system.

Also included is a Kata warm-up exercise, escapes using the long staff, combination techniques and throwing techniques without the gi top.
Participants: Professor David Jennings, Joe DeBattista, Chris Cheung, Tim Myers, Artem Mishin, Professor Joe Souza, Randy Kasper, Tess Sutter, Mike Sutter, Tony DeBattista, Professor Willy Cahill and special guests Imi Okazaki-Mullins and Myrtle Okazaki-Oberman.

Language: English
Running Time: 40 Minutes


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