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Okinawan Karate & Kobudo Legends Vol.4 Eiichi Miyazato Jundokan Goju Ryu

Artikelnummer: RS610
21,00 €
exkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versand
The Jundokan is believed to be the best Goju in Okinawa as it employs all the training of Miyagi Chojun from the basics, kata, weight training, hand leg and body conditioning and so much more it is amazing. This DVD has a complete interview with Miyazato Ei'ichi Sensei where he tells his entire Goju Story. The kata performances are impeccable and filmed professionally by professionals and the production is absolutely perfect as well. If you do Okinawan or Japanese Goju you need this DVD as this is one of the best of the best ever produced on the hard soft style created by Master Chojun Miyagi.


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