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Tachi Kata - Karate-Do Systematic Stances

Artikelnummer: EM3-349-9
25,20 €
exkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versand
By Soke Kunio Miyake

Fundamental to the improvement of one’s karate perfection is the acquisition of correct and balanced form.Executing a technique depends on a good stance plus balance and the harmonious coordination of the body.
All must work together at the same time.
This way, techniques become fast and powerful.
The delicate control that is required depends on and is guided by good stances.

In this program Soke Miyake demonstrates and explains the intricate detail of karate stances from a scientific and mechanical perspective.
Most Katas are demonstrated from two angles providing a clear visual examples of transitions, speed, timing and balance.

- Jion
- Kosokun Sho
- Kosokun Dai
- Sochin
- Naihanchin
- Sanchin
- Seipai
- Kururunfa
- Papuren
- Kumite

Language: English
Running Time: 90 Minutes


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