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Kapap Combatives Shooting - Avi Nardia

Artikelnummer: BUDO-KAPAP7
21,00 €
exkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versand
Major Avi Nardia is one of the leading head official instructors for the Israelite army and police in anti terrorism and CQB,  he along with Ben Krajmalnik have made a new basic dvd in the field of firearms and safety, training techniques in IPSC.
Instinctive Shooting in Combat. Combat Instinctive Point Shooting - IPSC is a shooting method based on instinctive reactions and kinematics to shoot short distances fast and in dynamic situations. A self defense discipline in order to survive in life threatening situatuations , where you need a very fast and accurate shooting abilities, when you must take the gun out as soon as possible and shoot at a short distance without using the sight.

In this first volume you will study how to handle the weapon ( revolver and semi -automatic ) dry firing practice and security, "Point Shooting" or instinctive shooting , at a close range and  a series of movements and exercises for weapon retention , low stress and multiple attackers ; exercises on how to recharge with one hand, ... and finally practice shooting gallery with guns such as AK- 74, M -4 , M -249 machine gun and even M -16 grenade launchers .



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