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72 Joint Locks Eagle Claw Chin Na Kung Fu

Artikelnummer: DVD-LL00A
18,99 €
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72 Joint Locks Eagle Claw Chin Na
2-Person Sparring Form

By Grandmaster Lily Lau

The brutal joint locks and pressure point striking of Eagle Claw is revealed here for the first time.
Known as Chin Na, this arsenal of attacks and counterattacks teaches you how to take advantage of the natural weaknesses of the human body.
Using this traditional sparring form, you and a partner can safely train these destructive attacks without fear of injury.
Packed with joint-wrenching techniques, Grandmaster Lau reveals you can follow the way of the Eagle to turn your fingers into destructive talons.

You will learn how to effectively use Chin Na in combat to bring down the fiercest opponents!

This movie has the following content:
- Eagle Claw 18 Character Lyrics
- Complete Set Demonstration
- Joint Locks 1-72
- 2-Person Sparring Form

Language: English
Running Time: 120 Minutes


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