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Kyusho & Breakdown - Gedan Barai Bunkai

Artikelnummer: BUDO-FRISAN4
21,00 €
exkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versand
By Gianluca Frisan

I am Gianluca Frisan, National Referent of the Kyusho CSEN and European Reference of the Kyusho Institute, I welcome you to the new Kyusho Breakdown DVD series.
First of all, I want to thank my Master Mark Kline, founder of the Kyusho Institute, an international Kyusho organization, for all the teachings that he has given me since 1997 and continues to give me. Much of what we will discuss today is the result of my training with GM Mark Kline. So thanks again!

Bunkai means Analysis, and we will analyze in the first DVD of this series, a "basic" movement, the Gedan Barai, also called "lower block", a movement that is found in almost every Kata of every Karate style.
We will see the applications of our Kyusho CSEN / Kyusho Institute program, analyzing them through the knowledge of Kyusho, bearing in mind that the objective is not that of sports but personal defense.
When a form, a Kata, is purely aesthetic, it has no value for your personal defense.
Each movement must have a deep meaning to you, in fact at least 3.
The same movement can be done differently, depending on what I am currently visualizing, that is, the actual action that I am experiencing while practicing the form.
Only in this way will this Kata be alive and real, thus turning into a superior and useful form of training.
Sprachen: English, Español, Italiano, Français
Spielzeit: 57 Minuten


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