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Nunchaku Stances, Techniques & Drills Vol.3

Artikelnummer: DVD-DH003
18,99 €
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Nunchaku Stances, Techniques & Drills Vol.3

By Chuck Hansen

Advanced Nunchaku:
Now you can learn the most sophisticated methods of this ancient weapon.
Advanced nunchaku teaches you twin nunchaku-the art of wielding two nunchaku simultaneously.
You'll learn a series of advanced combinations and their variations, along with specific drills to hone your skills.
What's more, this video shows you a special form called "The American" that trains you in these advanced methods.
This spectacular form also makes for a great demo!
This no-nonsense program will teach you what you want to know about nunchaku techniques that work.
Also included on this video are open hand techniques.
These are the one-handed passes-the trickiest and most impressive of all nunchaku techniques.
Review of the previous videos in this program is strongly recommended.

Language: English
Running Time: 83 Minutes


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