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Pencak Silat - Seminar Team Indo 2007

Artikelnummer: Pencak-11
21,00 €
exkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versand
Cecep A. Rahman
Haji Syofian Nadar
Ni Luh Putu Spyanawati
Yayan Ruhian
Cece Hermawan
Kustiwa Gunawan

styles :
Silat Harimau
Ciung Wanara Domas
Silek Bayang

For the first time you have the chance to train with some of the best masters of Pencak Silat on the same video.
This film is the best moments of the seminar (March 2007 in Paris) with the Indonesian team. Cecep A Rahaman, Haji Syofian Nadar, Kustiwa Gunawan, Yayan Ruhian… bring you inside the styles Panglipur, Silat Harimau, Ciung Wanara Domas and Silek Bayang.
You will enjoy seeing these great masters train together and sharing with you her knowledge.

Train how to fall down like a tiger, increase your harms and legs speed, learn, part by part a Ganda or develop your skill of self defence.

Silat Harimau
How to train the falling down like a tiger

How to develop the speed of your arms and legs

Ciung Wanara Domas
Learn a fighting choreography.

Silek Bayang
Jurus with the application and free self defence

Languages: English
Running Time: 105 Minutes


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