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Pencak Silat - Training for Tanding

Artikelnummer: Pencak-21
21,00 €
exkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versand
By BP Suhartono

For the very first time notorious Pencak Silat Tanding trainer Mas Suhartono reveals you the secrets of this art.
From a Persaudaraan Setia Hati (PSH) background, Mas Suhartono became a renowned PSH trainer who brought several national teams such as Viet-Nam, the Philippines, Thailand and Brunei Darussalam to their highest level in international Tanding competition.

In this footage Mas Suhartono will teach you the difference between the average and the high level competition Pesilat (fighter).

Positions, steps, strikes, counters, scissors... Get ready to learn the high ranked techniques with one of the most famous and experienced specialists in the Pencak Silat world!

-Stretching Positions

Languages: English
Running Time: 80 Minutes


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