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Folding Knives - Carry & Deployment

Artikelnummer: EM3-101
19,99 €
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By Steve Tarani

Interested in buying a folding knife?
Where do you start?
What important features should you look for?
What about blade shapes, serrated edges and the mind-boggling number of different styles, locking and opening mechanisms, blade-steels and handle materials out there?
Why are there so many, what’s the difference and which is the best?
As a cop and first responder, how do I know which knife is the best for my job and for my use off duty?
How and where is the best place to carry my knife?
What about department policy regarding usage of the folding knife as a tool versus usage as a weapon?

Join leading subject matter expert Steve Tarani in this easy-to-follow training program as he guides you step-by-step through the maze of folding knife selection, and provides training in details and operational skills critical to safe personal carry and usage.
Scope of study includes: Model Policy Concepts and Issues, Metallurgy and Blade Geometry, Handle Materials, Opening and Closing Mechanisms, Optimal Carry, Functional Deployment (removal from carry position), Locking and Unlocking, Preventative Maintenance (PM) and overall safe handling of the modern production folding knife.

Language: English
Running Time: 55 Minutes


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