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5th International Chen Village Taiji Push Hand Competition

Artikelnummer: DVD-GR008
18,99 €
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5th International Chen Village Taiji Push Hand Competition

By Master Ren Guangyi

The 5th International Chen Viilage Taiji Push Hand Competition DVD showcases real competitive push hands - the martial art of Taijiquan.
The competitors exhibit sensitivity, rooting and explosive power (fajing), as weil as sweeps, trips, throws, and pushes.
The essential energies of Taijiquan; warding, rolling, pressing, pushing, grasping, splitting, elbow striking and shoulder striking are employed.
Also included is a trip through Chen Viilage to see the training hall and villagers practicing plus the ancient plaques and many historical sites.
Additionally, there is an interview with Chen Xiaowang and a rare demonstration by him.

Master Ren Guang Yi is a 12th generation Chen Style Taijiquan master and the leading disciple of Grandmaster Chen Xiaowang.
He spent ten years of serious intensive study in Chen Village in Henan Province, the birthplace of Taijiquan.
In 1998, Master Ren captured the coveted heavyweight title for pushing hands at the International Taijiquan Competition in Wenxian, Henan, China. That same year, he founded the International Chen Style Taijiquan Association.
Since then, Master Ren has appeared on the cover of Kung Fu Tai Chi magazine and has produced several highly regarded instructional books and videos on Taijiquan.

Language: English
Running Time: 58 Minutes


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