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Jing Quan Dao - Iron Body and Power Meditation

Artikelnummer: DVD-AT102
By Grandmaster Alex Tao

Chinese Military Series
Iron Body and Power Meditation

Chinese Police Fighting Methods reveals China's modern system for actual combat.
Called Jing Quan Dao (Way of the Alert Fist) this highly effective method has been implemented by Chinese law enforcement and military as a practical means of self defense.
Developed by Grandmaster Alexander Tao, a Guinness Book of World Records holder and master of the martial arts.

Iron Body and Power Meditation teaches you how to cultivate your internal power, known as qi.
Using qi, Grandmaster Alex Tao and his students can break bricks, boards and bottles with ease, and withstand tremendous blows to their bodies.
This method is known as Iron Body and includes Iron Palm, Iron Head, Iron Fist, Iron Finger, Iron Forearm, Iron Elbow, Iron Knees, Iron Feet and more.
You'll see more actual demonstrations of real breaks by Grandmaster Tao and his students than in any other such video.

Language: English
Running Time: 44 Minutes


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